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Monday, October 31, 2011
Makeup Tricks and Tips
Makeup Tricks and Tips
I've read a million books (okay, maybe not a million!) on makeup, not to mention all the tips and tricks I've learned through the experience.
Here they are!!
Here they are!!
-Mix bronzer with foundation to give an all-over glow. (Did you know that Selena Gomez doesn't know how to apply bronzer, although she wears it all the time? Her makeup artist always put it on for her, but she doesn't know how to do it herself. LOL!!)
- Apply concealer after foundation.
- Use a foundation brush for all over coverage and fingers for light coverage.
-Mineral Foundation is good for acne (or as my 7 yr old sister calls it: Agony) proned skin types. Buff it with a kabuki brush.
- To take the redness out of a pimple, put a dab of vaseline on it and cover with concealer.
-To peel off blackheads, apply a dab of Elmer's Glue over a pimple. Let dry then peel off.
-Place a thin piece of potato to a pemple. Cover with a Band-Aid and go to bed. It should take the pimple away, or make it smaller. (I've tried this the other day and it didn't work... :/ But it might work for you!)
-Use Baking Soda as an exfoliant for you face, or an overnight zit zapper! Create a paste by adding a tad bit of water to baking soda until it's a paste. Place it on your pimple and cover with a Band-Aid. Go to bed, and it should help by morning.
- Apply concealer after foundation.
- Use a foundation brush for all over coverage and fingers for light coverage.
-Mineral Foundation is good for acne (or as my 7 yr old sister calls it: Agony) proned skin types. Buff it with a kabuki brush.
- To take the redness out of a pimple, put a dab of vaseline on it and cover with concealer.
-To peel off blackheads, apply a dab of Elmer's Glue over a pimple. Let dry then peel off.
-Place a thin piece of potato to a pemple. Cover with a Band-Aid and go to bed. It should take the pimple away, or make it smaller. (I've tried this the other day and it didn't work... :/ But it might work for you!)
-Use Baking Soda as an exfoliant for you face, or an overnight zit zapper! Create a paste by adding a tad bit of water to baking soda until it's a paste. Place it on your pimple and cover with a Band-Aid. Go to bed, and it should help by morning.
I won't have that many things for lips, because I don't use lipstick very often...just because I'm too lazy to go out and buy it! :)
-Dab a wet Q-Tip into Jello powder. Put it on as a lip stain.
-Do you have majorly cracked skin on your lips? Soften your lips with honey and sugar. Put it on lips and lick off the extras.
-Another way to soften your lips: Apply a ton of lip balm before bed. By morning, put on another normal sized coat and use a toothbrush to flake off the dead skin cells.
-Dab a wet Q-Tip into Jello powder. Put it on as a lip stain.
-Do you have majorly cracked skin on your lips? Soften your lips with honey and sugar. Put it on lips and lick off the extras.
-Another way to soften your lips: Apply a ton of lip balm before bed. By morning, put on another normal sized coat and use a toothbrush to flake off the dead skin cells.
This includes eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, etc.
-Never put on pink eyeshadow when you have a cold. I have learned this from experience! It just makes me look more puffy in the eyes and way too tired!
- Add a light color of eyeshadow to your eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and add a highlighter under your brow.
-Don't forget to add SPF to your eyelids. With that thin layer of skin, they can wrinkle the worst!
-Heat your eyelash curler with a blowdryer for a few seconds. Make sure it's not too hot. Then curl your eyelashes as you usually do. This works WONDERS!!! Now, every time I go anywhere, I have to do this to my eyelashes or they look way too thin and so-not curly at all.
-When curling your eyelashes, do 10 second pumps with your eyelash curlers. Make sure you don't pull outwards when curling, because it could pull out your eyelashes and make them thinner...
-Don't pump your mascara in and out of the tube. Air will be trapped in the bottle and dry it out faster.
-New mascara? Tissue the tip off to prevent smudging and clumping!
- Make your mascara last all day! Put on a dose of regular mascara, then one coat of waterproof.
- Gunky mascara? Put the closed tube of mascara 1/3 of the way into a cup of hot water for 2 minutes. (Be careful not to burn your hands!)
-White eyeliner can instantly make you look more awake. The experts call it "A Nap in a Stick". I've never used this trick because I *always* have black eyeliner on.
-Apply loose powder (baby powder works, too) to your eyelashes before you mascara. It gives thickness.
-You know how when you sharpen your eyeliner pencil, the end always tends to fall off and you have to sharpen it forever!? Put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. They harden and won't (or shouldn't) break
when sharpening.
-Never put on pink eyeshadow when you have a cold. I have learned this from experience! It just makes me look more puffy in the eyes and way too tired!
- Add a light color of eyeshadow to your eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and add a highlighter under your brow.
-Don't forget to add SPF to your eyelids. With that thin layer of skin, they can wrinkle the worst!
-Heat your eyelash curler with a blowdryer for a few seconds. Make sure it's not too hot. Then curl your eyelashes as you usually do. This works WONDERS!!! Now, every time I go anywhere, I have to do this to my eyelashes or they look way too thin and so-not curly at all.
-When curling your eyelashes, do 10 second pumps with your eyelash curlers. Make sure you don't pull outwards when curling, because it could pull out your eyelashes and make them thinner...
-Don't pump your mascara in and out of the tube. Air will be trapped in the bottle and dry it out faster.
-New mascara? Tissue the tip off to prevent smudging and clumping!
- Make your mascara last all day! Put on a dose of regular mascara, then one coat of waterproof.
- Gunky mascara? Put the closed tube of mascara 1/3 of the way into a cup of hot water for 2 minutes. (Be careful not to burn your hands!)
-White eyeliner can instantly make you look more awake. The experts call it "A Nap in a Stick". I've never used this trick because I *always* have black eyeliner on.
-Apply loose powder (baby powder works, too) to your eyelashes before you mascara. It gives thickness.
-You know how when you sharpen your eyeliner pencil, the end always tends to fall off and you have to sharpen it forever!? Put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. They harden and won't (or shouldn't) break
when sharpening.
-Chew really strong mint gum to wake you up more! Mint is also known to stimulate your brain...it might help out on that math test!
-Flakey elbows? Use a thin layer of Miracle Whip (yes, the mayo!). Leave it on for 10 minutes, then gently massage it in. Rinse with warm water.
-After painting your nails, file in one direction. This will keep it from breaking.
-The French have shared their way to put on purfume: spray some on your wrist, throat, hair and behind your knee. (When you spray it in your hair, you will keep getting the smell of your purfume throughout the day...I love it!)
-Run out of shaving cream? Shave with a thin layer of Vasaline or conditioner! They actually might work better than shaving cream.
Oh, when you shave, let the shaving cream sit on your leg for 1 minute. This will help get the hairs up so the razor working better!
-Flakey elbows? Use a thin layer of Miracle Whip (yes, the mayo!). Leave it on for 10 minutes, then gently massage it in. Rinse with warm water.
-After painting your nails, file in one direction. This will keep it from breaking.
-The French have shared their way to put on purfume: spray some on your wrist, throat, hair and behind your knee. (When you spray it in your hair, you will keep getting the smell of your purfume throughout the day...I love it!)
-Run out of shaving cream? Shave with a thin layer of Vasaline or conditioner! They actually might work better than shaving cream.
Oh, when you shave, let the shaving cream sit on your leg for 1 minute. This will help get the hairs up so the razor working better!
Fall Outfit- October 28, 2011
Went to church last night, and got so many comments on this outfit. Although I made this more...oh, I don't know the word...citygirlish?....I felt that it wasn't complete. I think it needed some cowboy boots and (if I wanna go more extreme) a cowboy hat. Or even some riding boots.
But, if anyone knows me, they know that I am not a western girl! At all. I've never owned a pair of cowboy boots in my life!
But, if anyone knows me, they know that I am not a western girl! At all. I've never owned a pair of cowboy boots in my life!
Here are the boots I've paired up with this outfit. This is ( I guess) a way to make it more rocker/city girl outfit. You know what they say: shoes make the outfit! |
For my hair, I did a unique little braid on the bottom of my hair with a ribbon in it. And I've done a simple little twist-back. |
My little (almost) 10 yr old sister! |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Simple Meals- Chicken Patti w/ Sauce and Cheese
This meal is super simple, and really good, too!! Plus, little kids love it, which is always a great thing!
What you need:
Chicken Patties-Enough for your family
Cheese-We prefer Chedder
Spaghetti Sauce-1 jar, maybe less
1. Heat chicken patties up as directed on package. The one we got said bake for 20 minutes, flipping when 10 minutes passed.
2. When done baking, put 2-4 tablespoons of sauce on top, along with a handful of cheese.
3. Place in the oven for about 5 minutes until the the cheese is melted.
The 7 year old approved!
When making it for smaller children, I cut it up into slices and put some spaghetti sauce on the side so they could dip the chicken into it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
My thoughts on wearing a Fedora
So before, this was my thoughts on wearing a Fedora: Eww! They're not very stylish at all. Seriously, who would wear one of them? They're for older guys who stay in clubs and smoke ciggars all the time.
Then, a friend from our camp, Naomi, wore one. And, OMGG!!, it looked amazing. Her outfit was so simple, but so adorable!
That's her in the middle.
She wore two outfits with this fedora. One was this shirt, and another was a red shirt, which I thought looked STUNNING!
Her outfit was:
2 necklaces-one short and one long
Red (or in this pic, white with a design on the front) t-shirt
Black undershirt
Dark colored jeans
Flip Flops
When I saw her in this outfit, I thought "I HAVE to get me one of those!!" I went to the mall, looked at Forever 21, Claires, Icing, and a few others. The cheapest I could find was $18, and they seemed a little too big on my head; if you know me well enough, you know already that I don't buy anything unless I love it.
Being a patient person I am, I waited for God to move. If I want something, He always seems to put something in the right place at the right time.
I went to Walmart, and saw a pink fedora there on sale for only $5!
I went home, and thought about it a while. If I can't get it off of my mind, I know I should probably buy it.
Then, I went back to Walmart the next day, and they had both the pink one and a black one for $5 each, and they fit really well, too!!

Then, a friend from our camp, Naomi, wore one. And, OMGG!!, it looked amazing. Her outfit was so simple, but so adorable!
That's her in the middle.
She wore two outfits with this fedora. One was this shirt, and another was a red shirt, which I thought looked STUNNING!
Her outfit was:
2 necklaces-one short and one long
Red (or in this pic, white with a design on the front) t-shirt
Black undershirt
Dark colored jeans
Flip Flops
When I saw her in this outfit, I thought "I HAVE to get me one of those!!" I went to the mall, looked at Forever 21, Claires, Icing, and a few others. The cheapest I could find was $18, and they seemed a little too big on my head; if you know me well enough, you know already that I don't buy anything unless I love it.
Being a patient person I am, I waited for God to move. If I want something, He always seems to put something in the right place at the right time.
I went to Walmart, and saw a pink fedora there on sale for only $5!
I went home, and thought about it a while. If I can't get it off of my mind, I know I should probably buy it.
Then, I went back to Walmart the next day, and they had both the pink one and a black one for $5 each, and they fit really well, too!!
That's me in the back seat with the pink Fedora on. |
Here's me with the black one! |
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
My Halloween/Fall Outfit
As many of you know, I don't celebrate halloween. So this is, well, mine. LOL!
This outfit is pretty simple and not that fancy. This is my 1 year old brother, Leeland.
I painted my nails black and all I'm wearing for jewelry is my soda tab bracelet, which I made. :)
For my makeup, it's a orange/black smokey eye.
For my hair, I made a far right part and pulled it all to the side. Then twisted it, pinned it back, scrunched it and put in a black bow.
My First Blog Post! Yay me!!
So everyone keeps telling me to make a blog. I thought about it, and thought about it and thought…hey, why not, right?
This blog will contain a little bit of everything, I guess. From fashion, style, arts and crafts, How-to, recipes, baking, and little tips and tricks I come across everyday that I think might make your life a little easier. :)
I hope y’all enjoy!
This blog will contain a little bit of everything, I guess. From fashion, style, arts and crafts, How-to, recipes, baking, and little tips and tricks I come across everyday that I think might make your life a little easier. :)
I hope y’all enjoy!
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