I totally soaked up all 3 books in a week and a half (which is saying something because I don't read that fast unless I'm totally into the book).
Anyways, When I like someone in a movie or book, I try to base a look on them. Today, I did my hair, makeup and outfit inspired by her.
Here, you can see that her hair is in a messy sidebraid. Easy to do, right?
In this pic, you can see that it's a side-french-braid that goes down the back of her head. Still sounds easy, right?
It is easy once you get the hang of it but when you can't do a french braid on yourself, it's a little challenging!! ;)
After about 5 times of trying to do my hair and failing, arms tired and feeling like their about to fall off, I finally did it!! It doesn't look quite like the one in the pic, but I think it's pretty good considering.
Whoops, sorry. Forgot to flip it. :/ |
For a first time, I don't think it's all that bad. :)
Here's the Youtube Link that I learned this off of. If I didn't see the movie trailer, this is exactly how I would of pictured Katniss. Idk...my opinion. :D Hopefully she can help you, too!! :::: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe69KeDW9rw&list=FLYWm-3bclIUWva1QabzPalw&index=2&feature=plpp_videoOnto ***The Makeup***
You can see in this pic that she has like...no makeup on. Well, visible, anyway. I'm sure she has bronzer and foundation, but nothing that strikes out.
All I've put on is my normal base: Foundation, concealer, etc. Then added bronzer. Also, eye liner, not that she has it on, but because that's what I always do. Add a little bit of brown eyeshadow and mascara. That's it.
Finally, the ***Outfit***
You can see that she's wearing a simple outfit. Can't go hunting in the hunger games in a complicated outfit, now can she? So, black shirt. Check. Jacket (except I didn't have a black one). Check.

Hope y'all enjoyed this outfit of the day. And...hopefully yall love the Hunger Games as much as I did.
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