Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My thoughts on wearing a Fedora

So before, this was my thoughts on wearing a Fedora: Eww! They're not very stylish at all. Seriously, who would wear one of them? They're for older guys who stay in clubs and smoke ciggars all the time.

Then, a friend from our camp, Naomi, wore one. And, OMGG!!, it looked amazing. Her outfit was so simple, but so adorable!

                                                                             That's her in the middle.

She wore two outfits with this fedora. One was this shirt, and another was a red shirt, which I thought looked STUNNING!
Her outfit was:
2 necklaces-one short and one long
Red (or in this pic, white with a design on the front) t-shirt
Black undershirt
Dark colored jeans
Flip Flops

When I saw her in this outfit, I thought "I HAVE to get me one of those!!" I went to the mall, looked at Forever 21, Claires, Icing, and a few others. The cheapest I could find was $18, and they seemed a little too big on my head; if you know me well enough, you know already that I don't buy anything unless I love it.
Being a patient person I am, I waited for God to move. If I want something, He always seems to put something in the right place at the right time.
I went to Walmart, and saw a pink fedora there on sale for only $5!
I went home, and thought about it a while. If I can't get it off of my mind, I know I should probably buy it.
Then, I went back to Walmart the next day, and they had both the pink one and a black one for $5 each, and they fit really well, too!!

That's me in the back seat with the pink Fedora on.
Here's me with the black one!

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